I don't mean to make light of someone's misfortune, but this image is too classic not to have taken it. How often do you see Rolls Royces broken down in Taco Bell parking lots? You would think Rolls came with their own on-call repair guy, and that their owners could do better than Taco Bell.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Reason #1 for why I carry a camera!
I don't mean to make light of someone's misfortune, but this image is too classic not to have taken it. How often do you see Rolls Royces broken down in Taco Bell parking lots? You would think Rolls came with their own on-call repair guy, and that their owners could do better than Taco Bell.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park
Today the weather was terrible, on and off rainstorms and sticky humidity otherwise) and I’m walking (limping) around with a broken toe, but I’m glad I came.
A centerpiece of the sculpture garden is 24 foot “American Horse,” by Nina Akamu (1955), which pays homage to Leonardo Da Vinci’s 24 horse model which was never cast in bronze.
A lot of the other stuff is really modern and inexplicable to me, but I did like the head with a book tied to it: “Listening to History,” by Bill Woodrow (1995), I think the title sells it. I also like “I, you, she, or he…” (right) by Jaume Plensa (2006), but I'm not sure what it means - if you can't see from the picture (click on it to enlarge) the figures are made up of metal letters.
Gerald R. Ford
I visited Ford’s memorial and museum on a summer Saturday, I got there probably around 9:30, and there were only two other cars in the parking lot. The park area around the museum was empty of people except for two individuals sitting alone at different picnic benches along the Grand River.
The museum is interesting. Interesting because Ford was president for less than three years and took over from one of the most hated presidents in history. Presidential museums always stress the positive so fun factoids like Ford “served as former president longer than anyone except Herbert Hoover” are presented. There is a gallery that consists of just a collection of 60’s memorabilia.
I did learn something disturbing though. No matter the controversies and scandals that happen during a presidency, the power behind the throne, the power elite of Washington, never go away. Supporting Ford during his administration were Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense; Allan Greenspan, Council of Economic Advisors; George H.W. Bush, Director of the CIA; and Dick Cheney, Assistant to the President. Any of those names sound familiar?
I should read more about Nixon, during a film about the Watergate incident they showed a news anchor saying: “the president now says the facts are various to what he had previously stated.” I have heard the “I am not a crook,” bit (because it’s constantly parodied) but I now wonder how many other ways the guy tried to weasel out of the truth, with fun new ways to not explain what he did or how much he knew.
This museum presents less about the Fords outside the presidency than others I've visited. Although her fight with breast cancer is mentioned her alcoholism and the Betty Ford clinic is not.Mr. and Mrs. Ford come across as very nice people, people it would be fun to spend an evening with. With his political career (a long tenure in the House) what he did as president I'll bet Ford would have won the election against Carter if Nixon hadn't turned the US against the Republican party.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Michigan Road Trip
This trip is a fairly short one distance-wise. Grand Rapids is just over three hours from Chicago (on a good day with limited traffic issues). I've only been in Michigan once before in my life, so this should be a fun one.
When I passed into Michigan I stopped for gas ($4.27/gal). At the gas station register I saw an interesting handwritten sign. First they say that the clerk will not make change. That's not too strange. But below that it reads: "The clerk is not interested in buying CD players, jumper cables, radios, watches..." and the list went on. The only reason a sign like this is created is because this is an issue for this gas station. Things that make you go, hmmm.
Then I read the rest of the sign: "We are sorry if you lost all your money gambling, but there is nothing we can do to help."
Ah, the gas station is across the street from a casino. At first I though about how sad it is that they have had the situation arise enough that they had to create a sign to address it. Then my cynical/mercenary/capitalist side emerged. Business idea: open pawn shops next door to casinos and take heartless advantage of people with gambling problems! I'm kind of amazed the gas station owner hadn't thought of it. I'm not enough of a cold entrepreneur to actually do this - but if someone should happen to read this blog, borrow the idea and make millions, I will expect a royalty of some sort.
Driving into Michigan the traffic with me was interesting. About every third other car had Illinois
My main impression about driving in Michigan: the highways are terrible! For several miles it looked like a truck spilling acid drove along oblivious and the acid burned deep channels in the path behind it (the burned out channels were only in one lane, sometimes changed lanes, but were never in two lanes at the same time).
Friday, July 11, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Third of July Festivities
(I'm also learning that Blogger is probably not the best or easiest program to use to post and format text and pictures together - getting the different pictures situated around the text is a chore.)