Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Cumberland Gap

As I continued on my road trip to Tennessee, leaving Kentucky, the day started out very foggy, which made for some cool pictures, and it cleared quickly enough so that it wasn’t too tough to drive through.

I never know what I’ll find on road trips. This time I wandered into the Cumberland Gap.
“From Alabama to Canada the Appalachian Mountains rise in a series of parallel ridges between the eastern seaboard and the continent’s interior. If you were heading west in the days of travel by horse, boat, or your own two feet, crossing points were few and far between.

Mid-18th century explorers following well-worn bison and American Indian trails found their way through the Cumberland Gap.” – from the National Park brochure.
It’s a beautiful part of the country, and although it was fairly early in the season, the trees has just started to turn green, the weather was sunny and cool – just how I like it – it was a nice drive with some interesting things to see.

Also, I drive alone so I’m entertained by what I see on the road. This trip I ran into (not literally) a group of about 10 SUVs traveling together all with carnations taped to their back windows. And what was really strange about it was that they were from different states, including: New York, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Sadly, I reacted too slow and couldn’t get a pic. But it does make me wonder…

When the weather cooperates it’s definitely fun to drive along the country’s highways seeing what there is to see. I have yet to be bored with one of my road trips visiting the dead presidents.

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